Flapjack Recipes
Flapjacks in the U.K. are made out of oats, syrup, brown sugar, and butter — and they're delicious. Flapjacks were thought to be around right at the beginning of the 17th Century, but similar to a flan, not the tray-bake we know them as. The cooking method is very similar for most recipes; melt the fat and stir in the oats. For more information, click here, or view one of our many flapjack recipes below.
- Almond Flapjacks
- Apple and Cinnamon Flapjacks
- Banana Flapjacks
- Chocolate Flapjacks
- Crispy Flapjacks
- Fruit and Honey Flapjacks
- Fruity Flapjacks
- Healthy Flapjacks
- Lemon Flapjacks
- Marmalade Flapjacks
- Orange Flapjacks
- Peanut Flapjacks
- Savoury Cheesy Flapjacks
- Simple Oat Flapjacks
- Toffee Apple Flapjacks
- Treacle Flapjacks
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About Flapjacks
Shakespeare actually referred to the flapjack in one of his plays, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, suggesting it was a common British dessert of the time. After that, the term ‘flapjack’ was used to describe something similar to apple flan. It wasn’t until 1935 that the flapjack became something made out of rolled oats.
The humble flapjack is known as many different things — a pancake in America, ‘Hudson Bay Bread’ in North America, and ‘a slice’ or a ‘muesli bar’ in Australia. They come in many forms, and many flavours — fruity, chocolate, low fat, full fat, plain — so many to choose from, so little time!
Flapjack is also a term used to describe a wrestling move — also known as a pancake move, presumably to describe the flattening effect the move has on the wrestler’s opponent!
FlapjackRecipes.co.uk uses measurements and ingredients for the United Kingdom. If you are located elsewhere in the world, you may find PancakeRecipes.net makes more sense to you!